Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Breakfast On The Run

Sometimes we just don't have time to eat breakfast at home because we need to rush off to work or we have to drop our children off to school early in the morning. On our way to our destination, we are likely to stop by a Starbucks, a Dunkin' Donuts, or a Tim Hortons to purchase a breakfast item. I advise against this and instead, I suggest you try making breakfast quickly before you leave or grab something out of your fridge along with a water bottle and take it with you. You can even grab extra servings for your loved ones!
Here are five quick and easy ideas:

1. Banana and Yogurt
The most simple solution. Take a banana and a small container of yogurt. Once you have time to eat, slice the banana with a spoon and mix it in your yogurt. Word of advice: don't buy yogurt that is highly processed. And also, don't forget your spoon!

2. Almonds and Dry Fruit
In a ziplock bag, add a handful of almonds and a handful of your favorite dry fruit. Try to buy dry fruit that doesn't have added sugar or preservatives. The dry fruit will give you energy while the fat in the almonds will prevent your blood sugar from rising too quickly. 

3. Pita Bread Stuffed With Banana and Peanut Butter

Try to buy whole wheat pita bread so you feel full for longer. Take one pita bread, spread about one tablespoon of peanut butter on it and put it in ziplock bag. Once you have time to eat, cut up the banana into thin slices and put inside the pita bread. 

4. Avocado and Chickpea Bagel 
Toast a bagel. While toasting, take half an avocado and empty it in a bowl. Add chickpeas or your choice of beans into the avocado and mix. Once your bread is toasted, spread the avocado mix on one slice. Put the other slice on top of the other and put finished product in a ziplock bag.

5. Tomato and Cheese English Muffin
On top of one slice of an english muffin, add a slice of tomato and a slice of cheese. Put the other slice on top of the other and put it in a ziplock bag.


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