Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Olestra: The 0 Calorie Fat

If you walk into a supermarket you will see all sorts of products that claim they are “low fat” or “fat-free”. One specific ingredient can allow products to claim it is “fat- free”: this ingredient is called Olestra.
What is Olestra?
Olestra is an FDA approved fat substitute that is used as an alternate to full-fat snacks. It has the same functional properties as fat, but provides no fat or calories. This is because olestra cannot be digested in the human digestive track therefore it passes straight through the body. This fat replacer was approved by the FDA in 1996 and has been used in the United States since. It is currently illegal in Canada, the United Kingdom, and several other countries.

The Olestra molecule is made up of six to eight long fatty acid chains which are linked to sucrose (a disaccharide) instead of glycerol (a normal fat). This structure can resist high temperatures and can give a creamy texture that is pleasant to the taste buds. This molecule passes straight though the body because the protein (enzymes) in the body cannot breakdown this molecule.

Olestra can help individuals lose weight because it has no calories. It also doesn't taste any different from other full-fat snacks, so individuals can consume and enjoy products that have the same taste for less calories. 

Olestra takes down crucial nutrients down with it as it passes though the digestive track. More specifically, it takes down fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, E, and K. This prevents vitamins from being absorbed by the gut and used for cellular function. More research needs to be done in order to understand the potential long term effects. 
Olestra can also cause over-consumption of certain highly processed foods. 

Foods That Contain Olestra
Olestra can be found in some highly processed food products such as chips and crackers. Here are some specific examples:
-       Lay’s Light Original
-       Ruffles Light Original
-       Doritos Light Nacho Cheese
-       Fat-free Pringles

"Don't Buy These Products €” They Contain OLESTRA! Center for Science in the Public Interest." Don't Buy These Products:They Contain OLESTRA! Center for Science in the Public Interest. N.p., n.d. Web. [Website accessed from: http://www.cspinet.org/olestra/brands.html]

"Ingredient Spotlight: Olestra." The Calorie Control Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013. [Website accessed fromhttp://www.caloriecontrol.org/articles-and-video/feature-articles/ingredient-spotlight-olestra]

Image taken from http://www.pringles.com/products/lightfatfree

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