Friday, February 18, 2011

Perfecting Your Body Image

Most of the time, I’m happy with my body. But there are always times when I wonder why my thighs are so fat or why my stomach sticks out. I concentrate so much on my negative features that I end up sometimes just eating a small and extremely healthy dinner at three in the afternoon to reduce my calorie intake or work out for an hour or two in the middle of the night. It’s not until a while after that I realize that nobody’s body can be perfect. Imagine yourself with a model like figure, perfect skin and long shiny straight hair. Would your life be perfect? No.
Even more so, if you spend all your time focusing on the “bad” parts of your body you'll never get to notice and appreciate the “good” ones.
It sounds cliche, and over said, but it's true. Nobody (and no body) is perfect. Everyone is perfect in their own way, and until you realize that you won't be happy with yourself. There's nothing sexier, better looking or more appealing than confidence. Guys (or girls) don't care about how many situps you did today or how many minutes you ran for, they care about your self-esteem and how sure you are about yourself.
Trust me, confidence shows more than abs.
Of course exercise is important, yes you should watch what you eat and care about your health. But there's a line where it becomes obsessive, and unhealthy.

Check out this link and notice how 97% of women treat their bodies each day:

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